After four years of trying...
"Over 4 years of trying to have a child, we've had 5 heartbreaking miscarriages. We have spent a lot of time and money on all kinds of treatment from the best doctors in the country and for a time out of desperation, even tried alternative medical treatments...nothing.
"Over 4 years of trying to have a child, we've had 5 heartbreaking miscarriages. We have spent a lot of time and money on all kinds of treatment from the best doctors in the country and for a time out of desperation, even tried alternative medical treatments...nothing.
We still lost the succeeding pregnancies.
We had spent almost 2 years researching surrogacy as an option. We had thought briefly of adopting but we were adamant that our child be genetically ours so we zoned on on looking at gestational surrogacy further. There were a couple of countries we looked at and decided on India. Now we researched the best clinic for us and after very extensive research, we felt Dr.Shivani and SCI was the clinic that will help make our dream come true...and did.
It was a very nerve-wracking 9 months with our surrogate having to be hospitalized for almost 2 months but all throughout, the SCI team were always there. Updates were timely and we were always updated. A very professional organization, caring for their surrogates and you really felt that they were doing their best to help and ensure a successful outcome.
I cannot thank Dr.Shivani and her entire team at SCI enough. You facilitated making our dream come true and we are now a family. Thank you and more success to SCI."
If you would like to find out more about surrogacy in India, please email us at: