Thursday, 11 August 2011

The begining of a wonderful journey.

We understand the leap of faith it must take to travel around the world to make your dream of having a family come true. It is always a honour to have couples trust us with these hopes and dreams.

Of course, this title is not quite correct, there is so much work that happens before any couple arrive in Delhi, they did due diligence, asked questions,checked referees, read blogs and emailed and phoned the authors of these blogs to check authenticity, joined our forum and asked further hard questions.

So, it is with great joy when we are able to exceed peoples expectations. What a surprise to receive these beautiful flowers and card.

We wish D&B all the baby dust in the world and are very hopeful for a successful outcome that 70% of our clients receive. If you believe we can help you, please email us.


  1. Can not wait to hear about a little Bernadette or Duane Jr.!! Good luck guys!
