It is wonderful to receive updates from our families and to be able to see how our little ones have grown, thank you for sharing your precious story with us:
Dear Dr.Shivani,
how are you? Hope all is well with you and your family.
Congratulations on your new clinic- it looks fantastic.
A year has passed since we last met and our thoughts are often on the two months we spent in Delhi. At the time we felt scared, confused and unbelievably happy. In retrospective we see that you and your staff helped us through the whole ordeal in a warm and caring manner that made us feel safe and well looked after. Thank you so much!
Little Karlise has grown into a beautiful toddler. She is a humerous girl with an adventurous personality. Everything can be climed, eaten or explored and she greets the world with smiles and laughter. In August she started kindergarden and it was a success from day one. Karlise loves to play with other children and she has become very popular among the staff. A true heartbreaker:-)
We have enclosed a few photoes so you can see for yourself.
Now Christmas is coming up and we are all really looking forward to it. Thanks to you and our surrogate Anju we can now celebrate Christmas as a family with all the joy and happpiness anyone could want for. For this we will always be grateful.
Fondest regards from all of us here in Norway

We wish this family the choicest of God's blessings.
If you believe we can help you, please contact us
Such a cutie...!!!